Speakers / Referent:innen
Confirmed Speakers / Referent:innen:
Prof. Dr. Marion Aptroot Heinrich-Heine University, Duesseldorf
Prof. Dr. Paul Bandia Concordia University Montreal, Kanada
Prof. Rebecca R. Gould University of Birmingham, Großbritannien
Dr. Rainer Guldin Università della Svizzera Italiana, Schweiz
Prof. Dr. Arvi Sepp Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgien
Dr. Kayvan Tahmasebian University of Birmingham, Großbritannien
Marion Aptroot is professor of Yiddish Culture, Language and Literature at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Her research interests include cultural and linguistic change through language contact and translation. She is co-author (with Roland Gruschka) of Jiddisch: Geschichte und Kultur einer Weltsprache (2010) and has published translations of early modern and modern Yiddish texts.
Professor Paul Bandia is professor of Francophone Studies at Concordia University in Montreal specialising in the field of translation studies with a focus on African literatures. He is the author of the book Translation as Reparation: Writing and Translation in Postcolonial Africa (2008), and Orality and Translation (2016) as well as several edited and co-edited volumes.
Prof. Dr. Rebecca R. Gould (University of Birmingham) is Professor, Islamic World and Comparative Literature at the University of Birmingham. She is an internationally leading scholar in the field of translation, politics and activism. She is the author of Writers and Rebels: The Literatures of Insurgency in the Caucasus (2016). Her translations include After Tomorrow the Days Disappear (2016), and Prose of the Mountains (2015).
Rainer Guldin is lecturer for German Culture and Language at the Faculties of Communication Sciences and Economics of the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano (Switzerland). He is Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed open access e-journal Flusser Studies.
Main areas of research: metaphor theory; translation and self-translation; multilingual literature.
Recent publications: Metaphors of Multilingualism. Changing Attitudes towards Language Diversity in Literature, Linguistics and Philosophy, London and New York 2020; Translation as Metaphor, London and New York 2016.
Prof. Dr. Arvi Sepp is Professor of Translation Studies and German at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Research Fellow at the Institute of Jewish Studies of the University of Antwerp and. He was granted the Fritz Halbers Fellowship Award (Leo Baeck Institute), the Tauber Institute Research Award (Brandeis University), the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Award, the Prix de la Fondation Auschwitz, the Prize for Research Communication of the Royal Flemish Society of Belgium for the Arts and Sciences, and the Theodor Frings Prize of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften. His research interests center on comparative literature, twentieth-century German (Jewish) literature, literary translation, translation theory, migration and exile, multilingual literature. He published widely on Translation Studies, Autobiography Studies, German-Jewish literature, and literary theory. He has published the book-length study Topographie des Alltags. Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Lektüre von Victor Klemperers Tagebüchern 1933-1945 (2016) and edited volumes such as Bearing Across. Translating Literary Narratives of Migration (2016) and special issues such as Translation in Exile in Cadernos de Traducão (38.1, 2018), Transkultur in Germanistische Mitteilungen (44.1, 2018), and Periphere deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteraturen in Europa in Oxford German Studies (48.1, 2019). His talk and workshop are dedicated to „Alterity, Mobility, Multilingualism: Politics and Ethics of European Cultures of Translation."
Dr. Kayvan Tahmasebian is a Marie-Curie Fellow at the University of Birmingham. He is a poet, critic, and the author of Isfahan's Mold (Goman, 2016), Lecture on Fear and Other Poems (Radical Paper Press, 2019), and co-translator of High Tide of the Eyes: Poems by Bijan Elahi (The Operating System, 2019).